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#MeToo Movement Physicalizes via Toronto March


Hundreds of #MeToo advocates marched on Toronto streets on Saturday to empower women of all colour who have suffered from sexual harassment.

The initiator of the event is Alathea Milne-Hines as she was directly inspired by the #MeToo posts online popularized by actress Alyssa Milano who claims to have been sexually assaulted "more than she could count". The current movement is derived from the original by activist Tarana Burke advocating for the same principle. The re-emergence was caused by allegations surrounding American film producer Harvey Weinstein.

A question on a Facebook page was the key to the rally, with around 1400 people confirming that they would rally with Milne-Hines at Queen's Park on Saturday. An online crowdfunding campaign was also launched to aid in expenses with decorating posters and writing chants.

Creating posters for the rally with Alathea Milne-Hines on the right. Image courtesy of Toronto Star.

The physicalization of the movement on the streets is a significant step in justifying the sincerity of online activism and obscuring the idea of "slacktivism" or "a click or like with no action".

By: Franz Tabora

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