
Sephora Launches New Beauty Classes for Cancer Patients

Sephora launches new makeup classes for men and women whose appearances have been affected by cancer treatments. Known as the ‘Brave Beauty in the Face of Cancer’ program, the course description reads:

“FREE. We stand with those facing major life transitions. Discover techniques and products that address the visible effects of cancer treatments. Get skincare tips tailored to your needs, then get matched with Color IQ and receive step-by-step instructions for a radiant complexion, natural-looking brows, and defined eyes. 90 minutes.”

What a great way to provide these amazing individuals with confidence, as well as, a safe and supportive space. To ensure that all of the attendees needs are met, the class sizes are limited to 12. Prior to launching the program, Sephora held cancer treatment focus groups to gather the information needed to create their most effective curriculum.

By Rhea Braganza

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