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Revolve gets bashed for lack of diversity at influencer trip


One of the greatest privileges of being a notorious influencer is getting sent to various trips around the world, which is what  Revolve has been known to honour. However, their prioritizing and "fragmenting" of good-looking influencers instigated controversy, after the fashion brand posted a series of photos on Instagram that lacked women with curves or of colour at a Thailand trip.

Followers expressed their great dismay in the comment section, stating that the brand should "do better." Some influencers also voiced out their opinions on social media, including blogger Kyrzada Rodriguez who pointed out that 21st century is the time for women to speak out about diversity and that "bloggers want more than a paid vacation and free clothing."

Image courtesy of The Fashion Law.

Image courtesy of On A Curve.

Universal concern over racial inclusivity and slurs is currently high after H&M  was recently backlashed due to an insensitive, racial photo on their online store.

By: Franz Tabora

Instagram: @SHECanada Twitter: @SHECanada Facebook: SHE Canada Magazine

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