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Protests in Iran: a fight for human rights


The death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, after being detained by the ‘morality police’, has sparked outrage in Iran and beyond.

Amini was taken in police custody for allegedly wearing the headscarf incorrectly. While the police say that the woman died of natural causes, protesters and Amini’s family believe that she was a victim to fatal beating while in custody.

As acts of resistance against the strict policies in the country, women are burning their headscarves and cutting off their hair. Joined by men, angry at the despotic regime in the country, the number of protesters in Iran cannot be ignored. With internet access being restricted on messaging and social media apps, information about the protests is limited.

Ignited by this recent incident, the Iranian woman’s fight is for basic human rights against a regime that has been in place since the 1979 revolution, asking women of all faiths to cover their hair and bodies. The punishment for not following the strict dress code involves fines, jail time, and physical abuse.

Iranians are brave for standing up for their rights to freedom and equality and western countries are applauding that. But we cannot forget that it is the same fight as women who are choosing to wear a hijab in countries like France, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, and others where there is partial or total ban of the religious headscarf.

The fight is for the right to choose.

If you or someone you know is a subject to domestic violence, sexual assault, or violence against women, please visit https://www.camh.ca/-/media/files/community-resource-sheets/domestic-violence-survivors-pdf.pdf for resources

The crisis lines listed below are free of charge and available 24/7

They can provide emotional support, crisis counselling, safety planning, referrals, information and assistance with urgent moves.

Assaulted Women’s Helpline: 1 866 863-7868 or 416 863-0511
Toronto Rape Crisis Centre: 416 597-8808
Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Centre of Peel: 905 895-7313

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