Exfoliation helps improve the texture and tone of your skin. It can be done in two methods; chemically and physically. Both methods work to remove dead skin cells from the outer layer of skin.
Physical Exfoliation
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- Using a sponge, towel, brush
- Using a microbead scrub/ sugar scrub

- Using your desired tool; Kongjac sponge, Spin brush, Facial brush,
- Gently massage desired product into the skin for as long as specified and rinse wit warm water
- Apply moisturizer after

- Gently massage the scrub or body wash in circular motions and rinse off
- Moisturize with a hydrating oil like Grape Seed Oil or Polynesian Monoï Radiance Oil without drying body to lock in moisture if you have extra dry skin.
- Pat dry and moisturize with Soap and Glory Body moisturizer and seal moisture with almond oil for normal skin,

- Using tools like exfoliating file or pumice stone,
- Scrub dead skin with tool and sugar/ salt scrub for feet
- Rinse off and apply foot cream
- Wear socks overnight for supple skin.
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