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Social media icon Ahed Tamimi, arrested for defying Israeli soldiers


Earlier this month,  the young "Gandhi" who voiced for Palestinians was charged with assault and incitement after hitting two Israeli soldiers who refused to leave their family courtyard in West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, near Ramallah. A video of the arrest taken by her now-detained mother circulated on social media and immediately became viral.

Ahed Tamimi has been an archetypal figure to Palestinians and campaigners worldwide. Known for her incomparable courage to stand up against Israeli soldiers, Ahed has been protecting Nabi Saleh for years from the army that forcefully impose Jewish rule over the village's land and water supply.

The incident, which was shown on Israeli TV has triggered Israeli politicians and other renowned figures, stating that they felt "humiliated" and "crushed" and that Ahed "should end her life in jail". Others also heavily criticized the Israeli army for failing to violently punish Ahed for her actions.

Charges imposed on Ahed Tamimi for "slapping" video. Image courtesy of Daily Mail.

Ahed's "slapping" is a direct representation of the vehement societal reaction towards the Israelis who dehumanise and oppress the Palestinians. Unarmed and confrontational, the young girl's physical response is the true essence of national pride that continue to engine the resistance that hinders Israel's military takeover of Palestinian lands.

By: Franz Tabora

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