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Binge Watch Netflix’s New Original Indian TV Series!

These days, Generation Z and Milennials prefer to get their television fix on streaming websites like Netflix and Hulu which dole out original television content geared towards topics important to younger viewers who would rather binge watch than sit down weekly at a scheduled time to watch their shows.

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Netflix has come out with some winners when it comes to original content like Queer Eye, Stranger Things and On My Block. Netflix is doing something right in appealing to viewers. It looks like Netflix expanding its international content with its brand new Indian TV Series Sacred Games.

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  However they don't just want this to appeal to Indian audiences though, they've dubbed the show in 20 international languages. The show itself is a crime thriller, a genre that has made a splash with audiences in the past with productions like Narcos. The show is based on a novel about a cop and gangster set in 80s Mumbai and will feature Bollywood stars and two of Bollywood's hotshot directors.

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  “Our expectation is that a show like Sacred Games will not only be important for India but also the world,” Erik Barmack, Netflix’ vice president of international originals, told BuzzFeed News. “Over 50% of our audience in the last two quarters is international,” said Barmack. “A vast majority of them have watched a show that’s not in English. Going forward, we’re just going to have more and more people watching us whose primary language isn’t English, and who just watch content from across the globe that’s either dubbed or subtitled. They’re just going to be looking for the best stories.” Personally, I'm excited to see Netflix put so much into content that isn't necessarily geared towards a western audience. Most of the world consumes media that reflects western ideals so this is sure to make an impact on young South Asian and Western youth alike. The show is now available to binge on Netflix so be sure to check it out!  

By Daman Grewal


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