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Disney announces cast for live-action “Aladdin” but…

Talks have been in order as Disney searched long and hard for the cast of the magical new film we've all awaited for way too long. Aladdin is being made into a live-action film and the cast has now been decided. For the last few months many have taken to social media to discuss the different actors and actresses they think should be casted for the role. The ongoing debate has been in our feeds for quite some time now on whether Priyanka Chopra or Jade Therwall are a better match for Jasmine.

Disney however, has casted Naomi Scott as the new face of Jasmine and Canadian new-coming actor Mena Massoud has joined the cast as Aladdin. The genie's character will be portrayed by Will Smith.

Although the cast has been officially announced and sealed, controversy continues as many are unhappy with the choices disney made. The biggest issue being that Naomi Scott isn't of Egyptian or middle eastern descent and fans feel that it doesn't portray Jasmine's character well enough. Check out some of whats being said on social media;

Everyone will have their jokes, opinions and takes for this or any other casting. Aladdin has always been extremely popular since the beginning with its exotic feel and the difference of it from the rest of our classic fairytales. Seeing the success of Beauty and the Beast however, we are extremely excited for the the live action version of Aladdin and cannot wait to see how the new cast pulls off these iconic characters!

What do you think of the cast? Let us know!

By Maheen Malik

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