Fashion, Features

3 Ways to Wear Your Scarf You Probably Haven’t Thought of


It’s almost summer and you are going to want cute new tops to wear to the beach, but you don’t have to break the bank to wear something new. You can re-purpose an old scarf into a top(s)!

  1. First, fold corner to corner on your scarf then turn diagonally and keep folding to desired length. Wrap the scarf around you from back to front and double knot it. You can either tuck the tips of the scarf in or leave it out.
  2. Fold corner to corner, you can fold it in half as many times as you’d like depending on your scarf’s size. Then simply wrap it around you from front to back and do another double knot as the back. This should have more of a square look because it was not folded horizontally like the first one.
  3. Fold your scarf the same as you would to the first one, but leave it longer. Now take the two corner pieces from behind your back and cross them while bringing them up to your neck. Use the left over pieces to create a knot on the side of your neck to give it a cute ascot look!
Head over to our Instagram page for a quick video tutorial and to see how the different styles!  

By Bailey Scheepers

Instagram: @SHECanada Twitter: @SHECanada Facebook: SHE Canada Magazine

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