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Baywatch Actress Priyanka Chopra gave hints about Meghan Markle’s Royal Wedding


Following an interview with Andy Cohen in Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, actress Priyanka Chopra talked about her co-star, The Rock, her past relationships, future wedding plans, and, of course, her bbf's royal wedding.

When asked about her Baywatch co-star, The Rock, if he would make a great President, Chopra did not hesitate and said she would vote for him adding that "he is a really really sensible guy who actually really cares about the world."  The actress was then asked if she had ever taken a dip into the "lady pond", in other words, if she had any romantic relations with women, Chopra answered that she had an encounter in the past with her clever remark that she "felt the temperature."

Now in terms of getting spills about the royal wedding of Prince Harry and her good friend, Meghan Markle, Priyanka was asked the details of Meghan's dress and if she had already found the perfect wedding gift for the royal couple. The actress kept herself calm throughout making sure she did not reveal too much which may or may not salvage her friendship with Markle. If there's one thing we can tell you about Priyanka in this interview, she would make an excellent friend that we so wish we had.


Watch the full video of Priyanka's interview about the royal wedding here:


By Mary Angeline Joven

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