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Bella Hadid Protests for Palestine


Our Aug/Sep 2017 cover girl Bella Hadid, shocked fans this weekend in Britain after joining a protest against President Donald Trumps decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Hadid, 21, joined the march after being stuck in traffic caused by the "Day of Rage"  protest that took place near Hyde Park on Friday, which was caused by Trump, the first western leader to legitimize illegal settlements occupied by Muslims, Jews and Christians. Experts claim this legitimization will cause more bad than good in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Bella who dawned a red dress with a white coat, is of Palestinian heritage herself, she took to Instagram to express her condolences and empathy with regards to the situation and her fellow Palestinians.

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?I've been waiting to put this into perfect words but I realized there is no perfect way to speak of something so unjust. A very very sad day.Watching the news and seeing the pain of the Palestinian people makes me cry for the many many generations of Palestine. Seeing the sadness of my father, cousins, and Palestinian family that are feeling for our Palestinian ancestors makes this even harder to write. Jerusalem is home of all religions. For this to happen, I feel, makes us take 5 steps back making it harder to live in a world of peace. The TREATMENT of the Palestinian people is unfair, one-sided and should not be tolerated. I stand with Palestine. There is no hate against anyone... There are no sides... All religions living side by side.. Now it is Just one man..it has always been a factor of trying to bring peace... Where is the hope..?

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She wrote,

I’ve been waiting to put this into perfect words but I realised there is no perfect way to speak of something so unjust. A very, very sad day. Watching the news and seeing the pain of the Palestinian people makes me cry for the many many generations of Palestine... The treatment of the Palestinian people is unfair, one-sided and should not be tolerated. I stand with Palestine. There is no hate against anyone... There are no sides... All religions living side by side.. Now it is just one man..it has always been a factor of trying to bring peace... Where is the hope..?”  

The model who used her platform to speak about this political issue dear to her heart, wowed fans and social media, as the model even stayed with fans outside to take pictures before returning to her car. A fan took to twitter to express their elation saying

“There you go @bellahadid now you truly deserve admiration. This walk is more powerful than any catwalk you've ever been on.”


By Chizzy Obilonu

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