Events, Features

Potted Potter’s North American Tour is Fun For All Ages

Potted Potter, "the Unauthorized Harry Potter Experience", is a parody by two men named Dan and Jeff that has been taking the world by a storm. Taking on the challenge of combining all seven Harry Potter books into a short seventy minutes, two actors play all the characters with infectious energy that had the crowd roaring with laughter at every minute. Their costumes may appear simple to the eye, but their gags and jokes made the experience unforgettable (especially regarding the scene with the Golden Snitch)!

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This parody is unlike anything you'd expect. The simple props and fun banter is hilarious even during their improvised lines, and the actors kept the show inclusive by bringing in guests from the crowd to participate in their "Quidditch" games, and picking children to be seekers on stage. The guests ranged greatly in age, but the jokes were lighthearted while appealing to the older crowd as well, keeping everyone in a great mood as they beat around a beach ball.

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The finale was particularly fun as they continued on with their parody, concluding the great seventy minutes with a long duet that had the guests clapping to the beat of the song. The theatre itself was packed with people, and you could purchase fun Harry Potter themed drinks like Butterbeer at the bar, or get some t-shirts from the outside to commemorate your visit! The show lasts until July 22, but their International Tour lasts all the way to March 2019 if you're dying to see them on stage.

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