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Priyanka Chopra and Quantico Under Fire

It's Quantico's final season and of course the writers and cast will want this to be their biggest and most exciting season ever; go out with a bang. This season has involved a terrorist plot in which Hindu Indian nationalists intended to frame Pakistan nationals during a summit meeting on Kashmir  (disputed land between the two countries) in Manhattan. Of course just like every other time Priyanka's character Alex. The controversy itself was perpetuating the increasingly polarising relationships between Hindu and Muslim in India and Pakistan which has been known to be violent. Individuals were particularly enraged as Priyanka herself is an Indian National and the people expected better of her than tot take part in a storyline like this. However she spoke out last night regarding the controversy and backlash. Also the dispute of Kashmir itself has been ongoing for years and is quite the controversial subject amongst Indian and Pakistani nationals.

from Twitter.com


from Priyanka Chopra's Twitter.


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