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Indian Charity Creates Online Game to Increase Awareness of Child Trafficking


A report stated that approximately 20,000 women and children have been victims of trafficking in India during 2016. It is not a surprise that charities are stepping in to raise awareness on this issue within the country. The Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation has taken a unique approach on the issue by creating an interactive online game that aims to save a 13-year-old girl from being trapped in slavery through trafficking. It is the online player's job to stop that from happening!

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The game is called "(UN)TRAFFICKED" with the subheading " One Girl's Life in Your Hands." The girl is named Maya and she is placed in a number of situations. The player has to make a decision for the teenage girl in that moment while taking on the role of her parent, a police officer, an agent or her friend.

Following these questions, there are several facts that are shown to express the severity of the issue for children. For example, "EVERY HOUR 2 CHILDREN ARE SEXUALLY ABUSED IN INDIAand "IN 2015, THERE WERE 3,490 CHILD TRAFFICKING CASES BUT ONLY 55 CONVICTIONS." These alarming statistics inform players on the journey to save Maya. In the end, the player is asked to make a pledge that they will intervene in real life if they witness child trafficking occurring.

Interactive question in "(UN)TRAFFICKED" to send Maya with an agent to work or not as her parent. Photo courtesy of South China Morning post.

The game is currently available in English and Hindi, but the charity hopes to create it in several languages to spread information about this ongoing issue in India. The numbers of child trafficking in India continue to rise, so let's take a stance through online gaming to decrease these tragic acts from taking place all over the world.

By: Alaina Pawlowicz

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