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What the Art of Contouring can do


Makeup does wonders; from enhancing our facial features to covering up blemishes, it's just a wonderful thing! In the world of the Internet, Instagram and YouTube became a platform where people upload makeup looks and here are some of the most talented people that we found who use makeup to transform themselves into completely different people.

Contouring, is LIFEEE and a work of art that if it didn't exist my face would probably just be slob-shaped with no dimensions. If you don't believe the importance of contour as a technique, you have to see this Instagram user, Yuya Mika's makeup and how she transformed herself into Mona Lisa (she definitely did an amazing job). Mika created the look by applying a variety of shades of bronzer and concealer which helped create the shadows and define certain areas of her face. With her technique she highlighted the points on her face to match that of Mona Lisa's high cheekbones and define protruding eyes.

In the YouTube world, make-up artist, Promise Tamang, transformed herself into Meghan Markle, recreating her wedding look which is flawless and stunning; the makeup included the use of wax to elongate her nose imitating Meghan's. And of course, Promise contoured her face to mimic the shape of Meghan's face. To complete her look, she curled her hair and wore a tiara.

Photo courtesy of Promise Tamang on YouTube

Watch her full video here!

The art of makeup has gone a long way and these talented people have done an amazing job!

By Mary Angeline Joven

Twitter: @SHECanada  Facebook: SHE Canada  Instagram: @shecanada


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