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Missguided Takes The Lead in Body Positivity: #InYourOwnSkin


Missguided has recently made waves in its new campaign which celebrates "female flaws" rather than erasing them from their models pictures. The campaign is called "In Your Own Skin" and features Missguided models with various features such as freckles, skin conditions and diverse body types. In it's brand campaign announcement, Missguided explained that “The campaign’s anti-commercial approach shows the unique positioning of the brand built on inspiring a strong self-empowered message; to embrace your flaws and to not strive for what the world perceives as perfection.Because f*** perfection, it doesn’t exist.”

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In addition to this campaign, they have now added body positive mannequins with freckles, stretch marks and are diverse in ethnic backgrounds. A UK study found that the average mannequin looks underweight and reinforces an idea of the "thin ideal", showing the significance of a move like this.

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  Body positivity is a important issue impacting women in all over the world. The significance of a move like this is big step in the right direction. This campaign is inclusive of all women, it's important to see yourself in the world presented to you whether its through television or fashion campaigns. Realistic and inclusive campaigns such as this will impact women's self confidence and make a change for the better.

By Daman Grewal

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