
Toronto Lights up the Night with its First Light Festival

With this year’s winter projected to be one of the worst in recent memory, Torontonians will need something spectacular to lift us out of the seasonal doldrums. Luckily, the people behind the wildly successful Toronto Christmas Market have come up with an event that is sure to accomplish just that. SHE readers, meet the Toronto Light Festival. The first ever TFL will begin January 27th and will run for four weeks until March 9th. Patrons can expect to be dazzled by larger-than-life light installations designed by homegrown and international artists. Visiting hours have been scheduled as follows: sundown till 10pm on Sundays through Wednesdays, and sundown till 11pm on Thursdays through Saturdays. It might be a bit inconvenient for those preoccupied with evening plans, but event organizers are confident that the spectacular displays will have people hurrying to reschedule. The best part? TFL is completely free. Those who were dissuaded by the Christmas Market’s $7 entrance fee now have no excuse to skip over Toronto’s hottest winter ticket (other than -20 C weather, we suppose). So bundle up in your warmest jacket and step into the light! We think the creators of the Light Festival said it best: “We want to help transform a moment of consciousness, from the cold of the dark into the warmth of the light.” by Imaiya Ravichandran

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