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Spread the Love for World Kindness Day!


Today is World Kindness Day which is a day of celebrating people who bring good into the world and their communities while recognizing how individuals can show acts of kindness today and throughout the year. The world can unite today by treating one another with care! Here are some ways to be kind to loved ones, strangers, friends, or your local community.

*Get in touch with a relative you haven't talked to in a while. That person will appreciate it and re-connecting with family through a simple phone call is always a nice gesture.

Photo Courtesy of ABC News.

*It is the little things that count! Holding a door for a stranger, complimenting them, sharing a smile, giving up your seat on public transit, or paying for the person's coffee that is ahead of you in line during your coffee run are all ways to pay it forward today and throughout the year! These small random acts of kindness can actually make a huge difference in a person's day! Also, don't forget to be kind to yourself while you spread the love! It is healthy and just as important.

Photo Courtesy of Madame Noire.

*Friends near and far can experience kindness today! Shoot your friend a text asking how their day is going or send a hand-written letter. If your BFF is far away, send a DIY care package of their favourite things and memories that make your friendship special!

DIY friend care box. Photo Courtesy of Codi Hurd.

*Donate to a charity or buy an extra meal for lunch and give it to a homeless person who needs it. The Body Shop actually partnered with International Alert in Lebanon to start the Peace Play Project. Any time a customer buys a seasonal gift collection in-store or online some of the profit automatically goes towards Syrian refugee children and providing them with a safe space to play games for one year. You can contribute to this charity now by clicking here! Every little bit counts!

Photo Courtesy of The Evening Standard.

Let's try and make the world a better place by spreading kindness and love to all!  Happy World Kindness Day!

By: Alaina Pawlowicz

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