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Mindy Kaling Promoted to ‘Mom’


This Christmas, the famous star of The Mindy Project gave herself the gift of life: a baby girl named Katherine Kaling!

Kaling broke her silence in an interview with NBC a couple months ago, claiming her excitement to be promoted to ‘mom’! Now she definitely has her hands full. Although her own mother had passed, Mindy expressed how she hopes to mimic her mom’s way of raising—describing her as open-minded and supportive. Better yet, she hopes to master the title of a ‘fun’ and ‘dorky’ mom, which I don’t think will be hard to achieve! Yes, while we would love to know more, but the 38-year-old is quite secretive and has not revealed the identity of the baby’s father. Despite the star’s new responsibility aka busy schedule, don’t worry, there is enough Mindy to go around! Kaling will be appearing not only on her popular show, but also in Ocean’s 8 starring Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett, as well as A Wrinkle in Time starring Oprah Winfrey and Reese Witherspoon. See you on the big screen, Mindy!   By Vera El-Timany Instagram: @SHECanada Twitter: @SHECanada Facebook: SHE Canada Magazine

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