Beauty, Celebrities, Fashion, Features

L’Oréal’s Beauty Breakthrough


Since being founded in 1909, L'Oréal has had an aim to innovate what we call beauty. The brand is in the process of releasing the first ever battery-free UV sensor, what a catch!

This beauty innovation aims to help individuals track their sun exposure as well as UVA/UV damages. It is accompanied by a mobile app which transfers data it collects to the wearer's phone alerting them when they should be cautious about the sun and shouldn’t be exposed to the sun. On start-up, it asks its user questions regarding skin tones to better tailor how much exposure they should or shouldn’t get. The device is equipped with extra adhesives for interchangeability, and can be stuck to anything including glasses, yes glasses!

Courtesy of L'Oreal

The designer of the device, Yves Béhar explained the design saying "By working with L’Oréal, we are able to pair deep expertise in beauty tech with an effective design that enhances consumers wellbeing without distracting from their everyday lives,"I strongly believe in the idea of linking tech and design to create new products that wouldn’t have been able to be done before. That is taking inspiration from the digital health industry really – that’s about integrated health. This is about integrated beauty" he added.


For some more information on the device, Check out this short clip:


By: Chizzy Obilonu


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