Arts & Culture, Fashion

Free Fashion Entrepreneurship Program

If your dream is to one day start a fashion accessory business in Canada you may be in luck. According to a May 24 press release, the Toronto Fashion Incubator (TFI) announced a free fashion entrepreneurship program for aspiring accessory designers between the ages of 20 and 29. The program is called TFI's Fashion Your Future (#TFIFYF) and this will be its second year running. The program runs in three phases with the first phase beginning on June 20, 2016. The first phase features a 23-day fashion boot camp, during which attendees will learn how to develop an accessory line, source materials, visit designer studios and learn strategic business elements, including: pricing, business planning, trade show prep, and critical thinking. At the end of the boot camp, 10 of the attendees will be chosen to move into phase two during which they will produce a spring 2017 accessory collection with mentor support and a TFI micro grant. The top three collections will then be selected to move into phase three and will be featured in TFI’s Press & Buyers Trade Show in October 2016 as part of Toronto Fashion Week. The TFI is encouraging youth to register for a complimentary information session to learn more about the program. Information sessions will be held during the following dates and times: Information Session Schedule: Monday May 30, 4:00 – City Hall, 100 Queen St. W., 2nd floor, Committee Room 4 Monday May 30, 6:00 – City Hall, 100 Queen St. W., 2nd floor, Committee Room 4 Thursday June 2, 4:30 – Metro Hall, 55 John St., 3rd floor, Room 314 Thursday June 2, 6:30 – Metro Hall, 55 John St., 3rd floor, Room 314 Friday June 3, 4:00 – U for Change, 563 Dundas Street E., Suite 206 Monday June 6, 4:30 – George Brown College, Casa Loma Campus, 160 Kendal Ave Thursday June 9, 6:00 – Toronto Fashion Incubator (TFI), 285 Manitoba Drive Friday June 10, 4:00 – Toronto Fashion Incubator (TFI), 285 Manitoba Drive Tuesday June 14, 4:00 – U for Change, 563 Dundas Street E., Suite 206 For information on how to register or more details about the program, contact Nicole Ladanyi,  

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