Arts & Culture, Film

The New Power Rangers Movie is Here (and Queer!)

The upcoming Power Rangers live-action movie has everyone HYPED. Mainly because it speaks to us ~90s kIdZ~ and our unique brand of 90s kid nostalgia (which turns out, is a highly effective marketing tool.) But also, the movie is breaking serious ground-- and by that, I mean it's featuring an LGBTQ superhero. The first ever! Praise be.

Director Dean Israelite spoke to the Hollywood Reporter about the character in question, Yellow Ranger Trini, who comes to terms with her sexuality throughout the film: ""She hasn't fully figured it out yet. I think what's great about that scene and what that scene propels for the rest of the movie is, 'That's OK.' The movie is saying, 'That's OK,' and all of the kids have to own who they are and find their tribe." Yas Dean, yas!

While Yellow Ranger's queerness isn't exactly canonical, people don't seem to mind. It would appear that anything even remotely different from the traditional white-straight-male perspective that colours most superhero movies is a welcomed change. So widespread is the enthusiasm that people took to Twitter in droves to voice their support. Here are some highlights:

You can catch the Power Rangers movie in all its diverse, inclusive glory starting March 24th (so tomorrow!). Who knows-- maybe you'll spot me at your local GTA theatre! I'll be the one dressed head-to-toe in traditional Power Rangers garb while periodically shouting "GO GO Power Rangers!" to no one in particular.

by Imaiya Ravichandran    

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