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Retail Stores Using New Tech To Their Advantage


Online shopping is changing everything in the fashion industry. All retailers are trying to keep up with the advancements in technology and they have brought interesting new ideas for technology in the fashion world. Here are some that you will be seeing:

Mac has created an in-store virtual Try-On Mirror that lets you try on makeup without you actually have to wear it. Instead of going through the hassle of taking off all the makeup you’ve already put on just to try out a new product that you may not even like, now you can simply stand in front of a mirror and it will give you an accurate portrayal of what the new product will actually look like. The camera on the mirror captures your faces and shows you are screen with the options of lips, eyes, and blush. Here you have access to virtually trying on their products and all of the colour options. The product names are shown on the screen and once you are done creatings your look you have the option of screenshotting it and emailing it to yourself along with all of the products.

courtesy of Girablog

Gap has also begun to use new technology to their advantage by giving you the ability to try on clothes online. It’s called DressingRoom by Gap, made with collaboration from Avametrics and Google. The pilot app is used to give people an accurate idea of how the clothes you pick while online shopping will fit from your smartphone. Once you choose your outfit you can now choose your body type and get a virtual image, showing you how that clothing article will look on your body in all of its available sizes. Gap says that they want to improve their knowledge of how their fabrics stretch, drape, and feel so they can give customers the most accurate idea of how their clothes will fit.

courtesy of

 A step up from Gap’s new technology is what Bodymetrics is doing. Instead of giving you a virtual body based on your body size (2,3,4,5,6, etc), Bodymetrics, using PrimeSense ™ technology,  scans your exact body shape. This technology was first installed at Selfridges to help with the universal problem of finding the perfect pair of jeans that fit. After installed, Selfridges denim sales went up by 20% due to the accuracy of the technology. Now, Bodymetrics expanded to being able to scan your whole body, which is the first of its kind to do so. This technology has been launched at Newlook in the U.K. and is being distributed to their stores. Hopefully, this technology will expand and become available in many stores to make all of our shopping experiences easier.

courtesy of bodymetrics

It's exciting to see the new changes in the fashion industry and how they will simplify our shopping experiences, hopefully all of these tools will in use near us soon!

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