Arts & Culture, Features

SHE Picks: Images Festival in Toronto

Celebrating 30 years, the Images Festival is a platform for artists to showcase their visual work through screenings, exhibitions, and performances that lasts from April 20-27. The event allows talent to have a support space to present their work in, as well as, connect with media arts professionals and the community.

All of the work is independently produced and often explores issues related to representation from ethnicity to gender, social growth, and sexual orientation. The idea is to push the boundaries and introduce people to work that may be under-recognized. The festival was originally created as an alternative platform to the only other film festival that was present at the time, which was the Toronto Film Festival.

SHE attended the event on Tuesday night. Each day has a different location with its own theme. Tuesday’s show at Innis Town Hall was all about “Figures Pointing Outside the Frame.” The short films, which ranged in length from seven minutes to 29 minutes, focused on explaining the more technical side of creating frames during a film, as well as, the importance of external factors that contribute to a view’s experience and the power of collaboration between the image-maker, its subjects, and the equipment being used.

The following is a list of the short films that were shown:

Auxiliary Mirrors Sanaz Sohrabi UNITED STATES, 2016, 12 MIN

The Rain After Mohammad Fauzi INDONESIA, 2014, 12 MIN

Speculations on India Harkeerat Mangat INDIA, 2016, 29 MIN

Landscape Series no. 1 Nguyen Trinh-Thi VIETNAM, 2013, 5 MIN

Alex & I: Moving Pictures Sumugan Sivanesan AUSTRALIA, 2015, 12 MIN

Scene 38 Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit THAILAND, 2015, 7 MIN

Visit their website to learn more, click here

By Rhea Braganza

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