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Iranian Government Dominates the Escalation of Protest Outbreaks via Internet


Iran has been far from ‘peaceful’, battling a week of disruption sparked by economic concerns, with a result of at least 21 people dead and a whopping amount of people arrested, claiming to have exceeded over 1000 citizens in handcuffs.

The intensity of the past week has made so much noise, referenced in relation to the chaotic 2009 presidential election. Reports stated that Iranian’s have witnessed protestors being blindfolded, put on the back of motorcycles and swept away in order to apply ‘disciplinary’ action and steer away from attracting a wider-scheme of attention.

It is said that national songs were broadcasted by supporters of the government in an attempt to silence rioters. These gatherings took place in cities like Mashhad, Shiraz, Isfahan, Ardabil, Birjand and Yasuj.

Iran demanded the ban on mobile internet access to minimize attention and apparently, according to officials, to ‘maintain peace’. To reduce inflation, they have blocked mobile access to sites in many cities such as Instagram and Telegram to censor news and maintain authority.

Protestors have voiced that the internet suppression has greatly impacted them, making them voiceless, as the simplicity of downloading a single video in opposition to the government at times took an entire day to fully load and publish.

According to CBS News, the U.S government is currently outweighing their options on the best way to put a stop to this ban.


By: Vera El-Timany

Instagram: @SHECanada Twitter: @SHECanada Facebook: SHE Canada Magazine

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