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Chrissy Teigen Opens up ‘Discussion’ with the Outbreak of Logan Paul’s Controversial Suicide Post


The internet is a platform that gives one the luxury to voice their thoughts and opinions, whether that may be in support or in rejection to what is accessibly displayed. While the advantage is the free knowledge a consumer can receive, the ‘control’ over filtering certain content remains not only difficult, but problematic.

YouTube star Logan Paul sparked controversy after posting a video he took revealing a deceased body hanging from a tree, in which he nervously laughed at once witnessing it. The body was found in Japan’s Aokigahara forest, also known as the ‘suicide forest’, in which he discovered with his friends.

With the high volume of backlash, the entertainer of 15 million YouTube followers got, he resulted in issuing more than one apology for filming a corpse and using it as a form of entertainment with a complete lack of sensitivity to the family of the deceased.

Chrissy Teigen brought even more attention towards the 22-year-old’s video, rather by overlooking it, receiving a wide-range of criticism herself as she focused more on the hate comments Paul attracted, referencing it as the public’s “campaign to end [his] entire being” claiming that many do not know nor understand how that level of hatred towards a single individual, such as Paul, feels, in his defence. While readers did agree with the importance of cyber hate, they did not agree that this particular video was the right one to open up such discussion and that this was far from the first scandal Paul was involved in.

The model has made it clear that she is not in support of this post, but instead was looking for more of a deep discussion about “us as a society.”

Since then, Paul has deleted the video.


By: Vera El-Timany

Instagram: @SHECanada Twitter: @SHECanada Facebook: SHE Canada Magazine

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