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Ahed Tamimi Ruled to Stay Behind Bars



An Israeli military judge has denied the release of the 16-year-old Palestinian activist, concluding that there is ‘no alternative’ other than to hold her captive in the upcoming months.

With a whopping charge of twelve counts, including assault, the judge states that “the gravity of the offences of which she is accused does not allow an alternative to custody.”

Ahed Tamimi was arrested last month after confronting two Israeli soldiers outside her family courtyard in West Bank village of Nabi Saleh. The raging teen was caught yelling and smacking the soldiers demanding they leave the premises

The video taken of the teen instantly went viral, making it difficult for viewers invested in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to turn away. This is far from Tamimi’s first rodeo, as some may observe her as the ‘poster child’ for Palestinian propaganda.

While Tamimi triggered outrage from Israelis with some making serious judgement such as claiming she should end her life in prison, the teen is also perceived as a hero for the voiceless.

According to BBC, Israeli MP Anat Berko concludes now that Tamimi is in jail, “i think she's going to pay the price, and it's a very high price. I am very sorry that the family did not stop this behaviour."

Watch the full video here:

By: Vera El-Timany

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