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Sophie-Gregoire Trudeau and Rupi Kaur sit down for Personal Interview About Women’s Violence


In Canada, Indigenous women and young women are at the highest risk of experiencing physical and sexual violence. It was the International Eliminate Women's Violence Day on November 25th, which marked the official start of the 16 Days of Activism Campaign to raise awareness and reduce violence that occurs against women and children.

Photo courtesy of Futures Without Violence.

Sophie-Grégoire Trudeau has been known for her consistent activism towards equality and other issues surrounding women around the world. When it comes to violence, women and young girls often suffer from a violent incident and feel scared to talk about it openly. Sophie-Grégoire Trudeau sat down with Rupi Kaur to discuss her experience on the issue. Kaur is a Canadian poet, artist and performer of Punjabi ancestry who is known for her famous book "Milk and Honey" where she first shared her story about violence and abuse through poems. Sophie was a huge fan of Kaur's work and wanted to have a sit down interview to talk more about violence towards women. 

Kaur opens up about her battle as a teenager and urges young women to talk and listen to other people's experiences in order to come together and raise awareness. Kaur's emotional poems got the attention of many, while bringing issues to the table through the power of her words. Check out more on the interview in the video below!

Conversation with Rupi Kaur // Conversation avec Rupi Kaur

A year ago today, I shared a meaningful poem by Rupi Kaur? to mark the start of the #16DaysofActivism Against Gender-Based Violence. I recently sat down with Rupi to talk about her experiences and her work, and I am so excited to share it with you today. Over the next 16 days, tell your story and use your voice to challenge the attitudes and behaviours that allow for violence against women & girls to exist in the first place! #MYActionsMatterIl y a un an, j’ai partagé un poème éloquent de Rupi Kaur pour souligner le début des #16Joursdactivisme contre la violence faite aux femmes. Récemment, j’ai rencontré Rupi afin de discuter de ses expériences et de ses écrits; j’ai très hâte de vous partager cette rencontre aujourd’hui. Au cours des 16 prochains jours, partagez vos histoires et faites entendre vos voix pour défier les attitudes et les comportements qui permettent à la violence envers les femmes et les filles d’exister ! #MESGestesComptent

Posted by Sophie Grégoire Trudeau on Saturday, November 25, 2017

By: Alaina Pawlowicz

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